
Thursday 19 April 2018

Fight The Good Fight of Faith

Paul Defends His Ministry

2Co 10:3 For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh

2Co 10:4 (for the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but mighty before God to the casting down of strongholds),

2Co 10:5 casting down imaginations, and every high thing that is exalted against the knowledge of God, and bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ;

2Co 10:1 (1-12) Now, I myself, Paul, beg of you, please, through the meekness and sweet reasonableness of the Christ, who indeed in personal appearance am grovelling, slavish, mean-spirited among you, but being absent, am of good courage toward you, I beg of you, please, that when I am present, I may not be courageous with the confidence with which I am counting on myself to be bold toward certain who take account of us as ordering our behavior in accordance with mere human considerations. For, though we are ordering our behavior in the sphere, of human experience, not in accordance with mere human considerations are we waging warfare, for the weapons of our warfare are not human but mighty in God's sight, resulting in the demolition of fortresses, demolishing reasonings and every haughty mental elevation which lifts itself up against the experiential knowledge of God, and leading captive every thought into the obedience to the Christ, and being in readiness to discipline every careless, apathetic hearing of and disobedience to the Word when your obedience shall be fulfilled. You are in the habit of looking at external appearance. If, as is the case, anyone has fully persuaded himself that he is Christ's, let him be considering this again with himself, that just as he himself belongs to Christ, so also do we. For, even if I should boast somewhat more abundantly concerning our authority which the Lord gave me for your building up and not for your casting down, I shall not be put to shame, in order that I may not seem as if I would make you afraid by my letters, because his letters, indeed, they say, are weighty and powerful, but his bodily presence is weak and his discourse of no account. Let such a one take into account this fact that the kind of person we are in our discourse through our letters when we are absent, such are we also in action when we are present. For we are not daring to judge ourselves worthy to be among nor compare ourselves with certain ones of those who are commending themselves. But they themselves, measuring and comparing themselves with themselves, are without understanding.

2Co 10:13 (13-18) But, as for us, we will not boast without a proper standard of measurement but in accordance with the measure of the measuring rule which God apportioned to us as a measuring unit, one that reaches even up to you. For we did not extend ourselves beyond the prescribed limit as though we did not reach as far as to you, for we came as far as to you in announcing the good news about the Christ, not boasting without a proper standard of measurement, namely, not in other men's labors, but having hope that as your faith grows, we may be increased among you in accordance with our measuring rule, resulting in a superabundance, with a view to proclaiming the good news in the regions beyond you, not boasting ourselves in another's field of activity with reference to the things made ready. But he who boasts, let him be boasting in the Lord, for not he who recommends himself, that one is accepted after having been put to the test, but he whom the Lord recommends, that one has His stamp of approval placed upon him, that approval being based upon the fact that the approved one has met the test satisfactorily.

God I’d looking for people who refuse to give up. We are more than a Conqueror through Christ Jesus our Lord and Saviour Who strengthens us.

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