
Tuesday 12 August 2014

death and life are in the power of the tongue

George Evans
Shared: DEVOTIONAL - The Bible tells us that “death and life are in the power of the tongue” (Proverbs 18:21), which suggests that with one’s mouth an individual can speak death into his or her life or the
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George Evans

Shared publicly  -  22:44

DEVOTIONAL - The Bible tells us that “death and life are in the power of the tongue” (Proverbs 18:21), which suggests that with one’s mouth an individual can speak death into his or her life or the same individual can speak life into his or her life.  Interestingly, the words that you speak will produce a crop much like that of the farmer who plants a field.  Scripture tells us “a man will always reap just the kind of crop he sows(Galatians 6:7 TLB)!  The words that you speak are like seeds that are planted in the ground and from those seeds, you will reap those things for which you have sown or in this case spoken.  We wonder from what kind of harvest would one reap, if he or she only spoke those things found in the word of God.  Now that is something to ponder.

Today’s inspirational message might offer some guidance in answering that thought.  As always, we pray that you will be blessed, informed, and all the better for having read both, the commentary and the message.  If this message is a blessing to you, please share it so that others may be blessed as well.  Amen.

God's Word Acts Like A Seed

LUKE 8:11 NKJ 
11 "Now the parable is this: The seed is the word of God.

A seed is much smaller than what it produces.

The problem you face may seem huge. In comparison, a scripture may seem very small. But when planted, that Word will grow in you and overcome the problem.

A seed always produces after its kind.

Whatever you need, or desire, find scriptures relating to that. Then plant those scriptures inside you in abundance. Those seeds will grow up and produce a harvest of what you need or desire.

A seed is alive: it contains life.

Your physical senses are incapable of judging whether a seed is alive or not. You cannot see, feel, hear, smell, or taste the life in a seed. There is only one way to prove a seed is alive -- plant it.

A seed does nothing until planted.

Seeds do not grow sitting in a sack on your shelf. They must be planted in the proper place.

If you desire the Word of God to produce in your life, you must decide to plant the Word in your heart and mind.

The best way to plant the seed of God's Word in your life is by speaking the Word. Hearing others speak the Word is good -- but will not produce as bountiful a harvest as speaking the Word yourself.

Speaking God's Word with your mouth is essential. As we speak God's Word we are planting the seed in our heart for the harvest of results we desire.

10 For with the heart one believes to righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made to salvation.

Whatever you need to be saved or delivered from, confession (what you say) is essential.

SAY THIS: God's Word is a seed that will produce blessing in my life, so I will plant it in my heart and mind by hearing it, reading it, and speaking it.

#KWMinistries #God #Jesus #dailydevotional#enjoy #remember #blessing #faith #Godbless#Christians

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