
Friday 11 July 2014


Romans 14:11
For it is written,.... In Isa_45:23; though Justin Martyr cites a like passage with what follows, as out of Ezekiel 37, but no such words appear there, either in the Hebrew text, or Septuagint version: 

Rom 14:11  
For it is written: 

as I live, saith the Lord; the form of an oath used often by the Lord; who because he could swear by no greater, he swore by himself, by his own life; signifying, that what he was about to say, would as surely come to pass, as that he lived; and in the original text in Isaiah it is, "I have sworn by myself"; which being generally expressed, the apostle, perfectly agreeable to the meaning of it, gives the particular form of oath he swore, as in Isa_49:18

every knee shall bow to me; which is not to be understood literally of bowing of the knee at the name of Jesus, which has no foundation in this, nor in any other passage of Scripture, but figuratively, of the subjection of all creatures to Christ, both voluntary and involuntary. 
The Complutensian edition adds, "of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth", as in Phi_2:10, from whence these words seem to be taken: 

and every tongue shall confess to God; that is, everyone that has a tongue, every man, be he who he will, a good or a bad man, shall own at the last day, that Christ is God and Lord of all; see Phi_2:10. 
It may be asked, how this passage appears to be a proof of what the apostle had asserted, for which purpose it seems to be cited, since here is nothing said of Christ, nor of his judgment seat, nor of all standing before it? to which may be returned, that it is clear from the context in the prophet, that the Messiah is the person speaking, who is said to be a just God and Saviour; and is represented as calling upon, and encouraging all sorts of persons to look to him for salvation; and as he in whom the church expected righteousness and strength, and in whom all the seed of Israel shall be justified, and shall glory; and which the Chaldee paraphrase all along interprets of מימרא דיי, "the Word of the Lord"; the essential Word of God, the true Messiah: moreover, the bowing of the knee, and swearing, or confessing, to him, relate to his lordship and dominion over all; and suppose him as sitting on his throne of glory, as Lord of all, or as a judge on his judgment seat, in a court of judicature, where such like actions as here mentioned are performed; and whereas every knee is to bow, and every tongue to confess to him, which include all mankind, it follows then, that all the saints shall stand before him, bow unto him, own him as their Lord, and be judged by him. Kimchi says , that this shall be באחרת הימים, "in the last days": and which the apostle rightly refers to the day of the general judgment. This place affords a considerable proof of Christ's true and proper deity, being in the prophet styled "Jehovah", and by the apostle "God"; and such things being ascribed to him, as swearing by himself, which no creature may do, and the subjection and confession of all creatures to him, whether they will or not. 

Holy is the Lord
Amazing Love
We Fall Down
Blessed be your Name
God of Wonders
Come now is the Time to Worship
Here I am to Worship
Draw me close to you
How Great is our God.
Open the eyes of my heart.
The Motions
There Will be a Day
Slow Fade
I Will Rise
I Will Not be Moved
In the Hands of God
Wait and See
A New hallelujah
My Deliverer
How He Loves
What Would Life be Like
He Is
Savior, Please
 You're not Shaken
City on our Knees
Free to be me
By Your Side
The Lost Get Found
Keys to the Kingdom
Beautiful Ending
Whatever you're doing
The meaning of life
Never be the Same
Two hands
All Along
Forgiven and Loved
The Words I would Say
With Arms Wide Open
Come, now is the time to worship
My Redeemer Lives
Every Move I make
God of Wonder
Above All
Blessed Assurance
He Knows my Name
You are Worthy of my Praise
Open the eyes of my heart
Let the River Flow
As the Deer
You Shine
Let it Rise
Lord, I lift your name on high
Redeemer, Savior, Friend
Everlasting God
Amazing Grace
I can only Imagine 

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