
Wednesday 23 July 2014


"Whosoever therefore shall confess Me before men, him will I confess also before My Father which is in heaven."-- Mat_10:32.

CHRIST'S ULTIMATE aim is to secure peace for our sin-stricken race, and the proclamation of the tidings of peace is spreading throughout the world. 
We must not falter in our testimony, or hide in our heart the truth which has been committed to us, because it may bring us to contumely and suffering. Nothing is so like to promote our own earnestness and devotion as our constant testimony for Christ. 

The advance of the Kingdom of God is determined much less by remarkable missions and sermons, as by each one saying to his neighbour: ....................."Know the Lord!"

We should begin with our next of kin. Andrew's testimony and confession brought Peter to Jesus (John_1:40-42). 
And whatever blessing came to the Church, and to the world through the testimony and confession of Peter must be partly credited to his brother Andrew.
We must confess Christ to our nearest friends. Philip found Nathanael. Our friends expect that we should let them share our inner thoughts and experience. 
Sometimes we can only give our simple testimony: "We have found Christ," but as we bring those whom we love to Christ, we shall ever find Him sympathetic and willing to meet our endeavours with His mighty help and fellowship. How He welcomed Peter, and read the character of Nathanael.

Our personal testimony is invaluable. The woman of Samaria brought the entire city to the feet of Jesus by her confession. Many of the Samaritans believed on Him for the saying of the woman, which testified, "He told me all that ever I did." That was the beginning of a great revival.

It was Mr. Moody's custom to speak each day, personally, to some one about the Lord Jesus. If any shall say that this habit is apt to become mechanical and formal, I can only answer that the days when I have lived like that have been the most radiant of my life. It is not necessary that one should be always interlarding phraseology with references to religion, but there must be no coveting of the light within us (Mat_5:14-16). How great an honour it will be to be confessed by Christ before all worlds, and to be presented by Him with exceeding joy before the Father (Jud_1:24). 
"If we suffer, we shall also reign with Him; if we deny Him, He will also deny us."

May we so represent Christ our Lord in this world that men may love Him for what they see of His likeness in us. AMEN.

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