
Sunday 8 June 2014

The Emphasize Exercise

The Emphasize Exercise

Casting all your care upon him; for he cares for you.” (1Pe_5:7).

Earlier we saw that sometimes you just need to hurl — to unload upon the Lord the full weight of all that burdens you, and then find rest from your troubles in His strong and loving embrace. You can do this because, as Peter tells us, “He cares for you.”

Let’s look at the word he uses for “care.” It literally means “the distractions created by fear, worry, anxiety and dread; distractions that pull us in several directions at the same time.”

Take all these things — fear, worry, anxiety, and dread — bundle them together and throw them upon God; 

and keep throwing them over and over 
until they finally leave your hands and rest solidly upon His shoulders. 
Otherwise they will pull you apart; tear you to pieces!

And here is the singular truth that makes it all happen — 

He cares for you!

Several years ago I discovered a wonderful technique I call 

the emphasize exercise.” 
It works like this: I take a verse of scripture and read it over several times, emphasing only one word in the verse each time I read it; repeating the process until I have emphasized every word in the verse. The insights that open up are truly delightful. Let me take this phrase — “He cares for you
 — and show you what I mean.

1. “HE cares for you.” — This is Almighty God we are talking about here; not some junior angel whose been handed your case. No, God Himself, the King of Glory, the Lord of Host, the Alpha and Omega; He who sustains all things by the word of His power; the Omnipotent God — your Heavenly Father. HE cares for you.”

2. He CARES for you.” — He is affectionate in His regard for your estate. 

He holds you in His heart, and looks with kind intentions upon your life, and good will toward your soul and well-being. 

3. He cares FOR you.” — He is not passive, but active. 

He’s not thinking about doing it when He gets around to it — He’s on top of it right now! 
He has already stepped in on your behalf and undertaken the cause of blessing you in boundless ways. And He is doing it 
FOR you; so you don’t have to try and do it for yourself!”

4. He cares for YOU!” — Yeah, that’s right — YOU! Sure, 

He cares for all the saints and great champions of yore; 
and for all those who are serving Him mightily in today’s world — the spiritual news-makers and world-shakers, devil-busters, kingdom-builders, and soul-savers. 
But you’re not overlooked in all this. NO! A thousand times NO! “He cares for YOU!”

5. Now, to put the cheery on the top, go ahead and say it all together — emphasizing all the words: 


You can really drive it home by making it personal, and repeating this process until the burden has lifted: 


We're all proud in different ways. Even if we are able to hide it from other people, God looks at the heart, says Proverbs. God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble, we're told in both 1 Peter 5 and James 4. Haman's pride was tragic because he wanted to be like his king—but he had the wrong king. If we look up to anyone other than Jesus, it's the wrong king. This clip is excerpted from the sermon "Jesus Is a Better Servant," part 7 of our current series, Esther: God's Perfect Work through Imperfect People. It was preached by Pastor Mark Driscoll out of Esther 6:1--13 at Mars Hill Downtown Bellevue and released online on October 28. Watch the full sermon here: Category Education Licence Creative Commons Attribution licence (reuse allowed)

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