
Friday 30 May 2014

That henceforth we should not serve sin.

Being hungry for His presence and desiring to be in the presence of the Lord on a daily basis should be our greatest priority... just to be with Him and seek His presence with all our hearts. 
We all live in His presence all the time, "In Him we live and move and have our being" Acts 17:28, but not many people are aware of it. 
God has promised that as we draw near to Him, He will draw near to us and we will experience His presence in ever increasing measures.
You will show me the way of life, granting me the joy of your presence and the pleasures of living with you forever. Psalm 16:11(NLT)

That henceforth we should not serve sin.”
- Rom_6:6
Christian, what hast thou to do with sin? Hath it not cost thee enough already? Burnt child, wilt thou play with the fire? What! when thou hast already been between the jaws of the lion, wilt thou step a second time into his den? Hast thou not had enough of the old serpent? Did he not poison all thy veins once, and wilt thou play upon the hole of the asp, and put thy hand upon the cockatrice’s den a second time? Oh, be not so mad! so foolish! Did sin ever yield thee real pleasure? Didst thou find solid satisfaction in it? If so, go back to thine old drudgery, and wear the chain again, if it delight thee. But inasmuch as sin did never give thee what it promised to bestow, but deluded thee with lies, be not a second time snared by the old fowler- be free, and let the remembrance of thy ancient bondage forbid thee to enter the net again! It is contrary to the designs of eternal love, which all have an eye to thy purity and holiness; therefore run not counter to the purposes of thy Lord. Another thought should restrain thee from sin. Christians can never sin cheaply; they pay a heavy price for iniquity. 
Transgression destroys peace of mind, obscures fellowship with Jesus, hinders prayer, brings darkness over the soul; therefore be not the serf and bondman of sin. 

There is yet a higher argument: each time you “serve sin” you haveCrucified the Lord afresh, and put him to an open shame.Can you bear that thought? Oh! if you have fallen into any special sin during this day, it may be my Master has sent this admonition this day, to bring you back before you have back-sliden very far. Turn thee to Jesus anew; He has not forgotten His love to thee; His grace is still the same. With weeping and repentance, come thou to His footstool, and thou shalt be once more received into His heart; thou shalt be set upon a rock again, and thy goings shall be established.

Original worship song by The Destinysong Project

Right here, right now
You are hovering, You're my covering
Right here, right now
You are welcoming, Lord I am coming

I open up my heart
I open up my life

Draw me close, Draw me near
As I come to You, Lord I run to You
In Your arms I find peace
As I come to You, Lord I run to You

I offer up my heart
I offer up my life
Draw me close

And You, You are the source of life
And You, You are my light
And You, You are the truth and the Way
And You are everything,You are everything

Draw me close, draw me near
As I come to You, Lord I run to You
In Your arms, I find peace
Now these blind eyes see
Your great love for me

(c) 2010 Destinysong - CCLI # 4938383
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