
Saturday 24 May 2014

"If you stick with this, living out what I tell you, you are my disciples for sure".

John 8:31
Then Jesus turned to the Jews who had claimed to believe in him. "If you stick with this, living out what I tell you, you are my disciples for sure. 

John 8:32  
Then you will experience for yourselves the truth, and the truth will free you." 

Then said Jesus to those Jews that believed on him,.... For he knew instantly who they were, and when they believed on Him; and therefore He immediately turned Himself to them, and thus addressed them; 

if you continue in my word; meaning the Gospel, called His, because He was both the author, and preacher, and sum, and substance of it: and to continue in it, is having cordially received it, to abide by it, and hold it fast, and not to be moved from it, by the temptations of Satan; the cunning of those that lie in wait to deceive; nor by the reviling and persecutions, the frowns and flattery's of men: and when men continue thus steadfast in it, and faithful to it, it is an evidence that it has come with power, and has a place in their hearts, and that they are the true followers of Christ: 

then are you my disciples indeed; there are two sorts of disciples of Christ; some are only nominal, and merely in profession such; and these sometimes draw back from him, discontinue in His word, and go out from among His people; which shows that they never were of them, nor are the true disciples of Jesus; for the genuine disciples of Christ continue in His Gospel, hold fast to Him, the head, and remain with His people; which to do to the end, is an evidence, of their being disciples indeed.

John Francis
John Francis updated his status.: "Back to the Bible daily 24th May
John 13:34-35 A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.
Can we measure the love of our Lord.? Not by comparison with anything of this world. Look what scripture says in Ephesians 3:19 Knowing that the love of our Lord Jesus is so great and wonderful, because while we were yet sinners Christ died for us, how can we not obey Him, by loving one another!
What we can try to do, is to love more than we have ever loved before, because it is His commandment to us, and because that is the way we are known as His disciples. Now a disciple is a Christian: Acts 11:26 And the disciples were called Christians first in Antioch. We cannot call ourselves Christians unless we are really loving towards our Christian brethren.
Our Lord demonstrated that love, by laying down His life for us, and there is no greater statement of love then this, to willingly take the agony and torture of the cross, that we might be cleansed from our sins and adopted into the family of God.
What will it cost us to love to the maximum? It will cost us our pride, dying to self. It means forgiving over and over again. It means being nice to those who are nasty. It means shutting up and listening attentively when we want to speak. It means being happy and encouraging when we don't feel like it. It means putting others first, at all times.
Prayer: Thank you Lord Jesus for instructing us about the way of love that your will be done, your kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven. In your holy name we pray. Amen."

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