
Saturday 24 May 2014

A Masterpiece in the Making

A Masterpiece in the Making

All things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.” (Rom_8:28).

What exactly is God’s purpose for my life?It is a question asked by every seeking soul through the ages. And our quest is not left unanswered.

Paul tells us plainly in the following verse. God’s purpose is that we “be conformed to the image of His Son” (Rom_8:29), and to that end all things work together for our good.

In other words, God uses everything that happens in your life, in one way or another, to make you more and more like Jesus. That’s His purpose for you.  God always turns things around for good for those who are His.

The Greek word Paul uses is prothesis, and it means “a setting forth in His presence.” It is a veiled reference to the Old Testament practice of placing the showbread on the altar in the Holy Place before the Curtain, allowing it to absorb the glory of God before being eaten by the priests. 
Our lives are to be like this in today’s world; so filled with the absorbed presence of the Lord that others experience Him for themselves when they are around us.

The classic poem by A.S. Wilson says it best, “Not merely in the words you say, not only in your deeds confessed; but in the most unconscious way is Christ expressed. Is it a beatific smile, a holy light upon your brow? Oh no; I felt His presence when you laughed just now.”

There was a hymn we sang during my childhood,Let others see Jesus in you. Keep telling the story, be faithful and true; let others see Jesus in you.” 
Seeing that you love God and have been called according to His purpose, now make it your purpose to live your life today so that others may see Jesus in you.

For every day in some way God is using all things to make you more and more like Jesus in your character, your conduct, your conversation and your commerce in this world. Cooperate with Him by embracing with a thankful heart whatever His hand permits through the boundary of His protective love — for there is a masterpiece in the making!

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