
Tuesday 11 March 2014

Give thanks unto the LORD, Testimony


Back to the Bible daily by disciple John

1 Chronicles 16:8 Give thanks unto the LORD, call upon his name, make known His deeds among the people.

Back in 2006 I went out for a bike ride, and walked some of the way as I had not ridden the bike for some time. As I walked I looked about me and I could see rushes in the ditches by the road, and part was in seed. When it goes to seed it forms a white ball made up of hundreds of small seeds. I saw a vision that showed me that no seeds could be released into the wind, because the seed ball had been sealed with glue. In the vision as I looked the seeds, they were magnified and I could see writing on them of testimony and texts from the Bible. I realised these were the seeds that you and I should be sharing with those in darkness. The glue represents our lack of faith and zeal that stops us sharing the good news.

It is time to remember that we should shine a bright light around us and not hide under a bushel. Remember also we will reap what we sow. We have the example of the saints in Acts who when being persecuted prayed for boldness let us follow their example.

Prayer: Lord our God and Father, help us by your Holy Spirit to sow the seeds so you may water them and souls get saved. May you be glorified as your will is done and your Kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven. Through Jesus Christ our Lord Amen

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