
Wednesday 12 February 2014

Keep Asking, Seeking, Knocking

Matthew 7:7-12

 Keep Asking, Seeking, Knocking MATT 7:7-12  

If we think that we can live out the teachings of the Sermon on the Mount by our own strength, we have failed to Realize the supernatural character of the life to the which the Savior calls us. The wisdom or power for such a life must be given to us from above. So here we have an invitation to ask and keep on asking; to seek and keep on seeking; to knock and keep on knocking. Wisdom and power for the Christian life will be given to all who earnestly and persistently pray for it.
Taken out of context, verses 7 and 8 might seem like a blank check for the believers, ie, we can get anything we ask for. But this is simply not true. The verses must be understood in their immediate context and in light of the whole Bible's teaching on prayer. Therefore, what seems like an unqualified promises here are actually restricted by other passages. For example, from Psa_66: 18 we learn that the person praying must have no un-confessed sin in his life. The Christian must pray in faith ( Jam_1 :6-8 ) and in conformity with the will of God ( 1Jo_5: 14 ). Prayer must be persistently Offered ( Luk_18 :1-8 ) and sincerely ( Heb_10: 22 a ).
7:9, 10   When the conditions are met for prayer, the Christian can have utter confidence that God will hear and answer. This assurance is based on the character of God, our Father. On the human level, we know that if a son Asks for bread, his father will not give him a stone. Neither would he give him a serpent if he had asked for a fish. An Earthly father would deceive his hungry Neither son nor give him anything that might inflict pain.
7:11   The Lord argues from the lesser to the greater. If human parents reward their children's requests with what is best for them, how much more will our Father who is in heaven do so.
7:12   The immediate connection of verse 12 with the preceding seems to be this: since our Father is a giver of good things to us, we should imitate Him in showing kindness to others. The way to test Whether an action is beneficial to others is Whether we would want to receive it ourselves. The "Golden Rule" had been Expressed in negative terms at least one hundred years before this time by Rabbi Hillel. However, by stating the rule in positive terminology, Jesus goes beyond passive restraint to active benevolence. Christianity is not simply a matter of abstinence from sin; goodness it is positive.
This saying by Jesus is the Law and the Prophets, that is, it summarizes the moral teachings of the Law of Moses and the Writings of the Prophets of Israel. The righteousness DEMANDED by the OT is fulfilled in converted Thus believers who walk According to the Spirit (Rom_8: 4 ). If this verse were universally obeyed, it would transform all areas of international relationships, national politics, family life, and church life.

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