
Friday 8 November 2013

The Passover Lamb and its Sprinkled Blood(He was in His prime, when He laid down His life, for us who have chosen to believe)

Exodus 12:1-14

 The Passover Lamb and its Sprinkled Blood 


Henceforth, for Israel, there was to be a new beginning of the year. We should date our birthdays not from the cradle, but from the Cross. The Paschal Lamb was an evident foreshadowing of Christ. See 1Co_5:7.
 (1). He was without blemish. Searched by friend and foe, no fault was found in Him.
(2). He was in His prime, when He laid down His life.
(3). Set apart at the opening of His ministry, it took three years to consummate His purpose.
(4). His blood-that phrase being equivalent to His sacrificial death-speaks of the satisfaction of the just claims of inviolable law, where His flesh is “meat indeed.”
(5). Roasting with fire, unleavened bread and bitter herbs denote the intensity of His sufferings, and the chastened spirit with which we draw nigh.
And does not the pilgrim’s attitude bespeak the attitude of the Church, which, at any moment, may be summoned to go forth at the trumpet sounding? 1Co_15:52.

"Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God: this is your spiritual act of worship." Romans 12:1

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