
Tuesday 12 November 2013

Satisfying an Eternal Thirst - With Living Waters

John 4:1-54 (See Page Christ in Samaria)

Contents: Jesus and the Samaritan woman. The indwelling Spirit. The nobleman’s son healed.
Characters: Jesus, Holy Spirit, John the Baptist, Pharisees, Jacob, Joseph, woman of Samaria, her husband, nobleman, his son.
Conclusion: Jesus Christ is the gift of God, the richest token of God’s love, the source and fountain of those living waters, the graces of the Holy Spirit which satisfy the thirsting soul and make a life overflowing with goodness. Those who come face to face with their own helplessness and sin and give their hearts to Him will be the recipients of these living waters.
Key Word: Living water, Joh_4:10.
Strong Verses: Joh_4:10, Joh_4:14, Joh_4:23, Joh_4:24.
Striking Facts: Joh_4:29. The divine knowledge of Jesus proves His omniscience. Jesus knows the thoughts, words and actions of all the children of men, and by the power of His Words is still revealing to men the secret sins of their hearts.

John 4:1-14

 Satisfying an Eternal Thirst


Our Lord had no wish to precipitate the conflict with the Pharisee party, until He had finished His ministry to the people. He was the last and greatest of the prophets, as well as the world’s Redeemer. He therefore withdrew from the metropolis. Here is another must, Joh_4:4. There were three in the previous chapter and there are two in this. It was not necessary for Jesus to go through Samaria except for the purpose of mercy to one soul. Jacob’s well is still visible, at the entrance of the green valley up which Sychar lay. Thus, that is, as a tired man would sit. It was noon. The time when women usually drew water was in the evening, but there were special reasons why this woman came by herself. The love of God overleaps narrow restrictions of sex, and sect, and nationality. Two conditions, Joh_4:10, precede our reception of God’s best gifts: we must know, and we must ask.
The living water is not a stagnant pond or well, but leaps up from a hidden spring. The woman keeps referring to the well, Jesus to the spring in the well. That alone can satisfy. Not the word, but the spirit in the word. Not the rite, but the grace it symbolizes. Joh_4:13 might serve as the inscription on all places of worldly amusement. Ponder that word become, Joh_4:14. You first drink for your own need, then you help to meet the need of others.

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