
Monday 25 November 2013


John 8:47 He that is of God, hears God's words: you therefore hear them not, because you are not of God. 

This applies to the whole 66 books of the Bible which are the word of God.  Are we hungry for the word of God? Does it stir the Spirit within us when the word goes forth? Perhaps it is time to examine ourselves and see if we need to get right with God. 

It is possible that the person could not understand the preacher, if they or he were foreign. It could be that the person not listening gladly because their mind is on problems at home. If consistently a person was not receiving the word gladly, then we need to pray for that person that they will be convicted by the Holy Spirit. I know it was in listening to the word of God, when I was convicted of sin and saved. I know there is great power in the word of God.  

Quote from Billy Graham: "One of the greatest tragedies today is that, although the Bible is an available open book, it is a closed book to millions---- either because they leave it unread or because they read it with without applying its teachings to their lives. No greater tragedy can befall a man or a nation than that of paying lip service to a Bible left unread or to a way of life not followed." 

Prayer: Thank you Heavenly Father who we love and adore, thank you for your word to us that we should also want to listen to the word of God that your will be done and your kingdom come. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

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