
Saturday 26 October 2013

Don't Miss Your Last Chance To Get Tracts For Halloween trick or treaters

Chick Publications Newsletter
Chick Publications: Chick tracts get read!
"I so look forward to Halloween now. We bag up chick tracts with GOOD candy, last year I gave away 200! Everybody needs to know who Jesus is!" L.P.W., Facebook

Are you still considering whether or not to pass out tracts on the best soul-winning night of the year? Sharing Jesus on Halloween really is so easy! The kids will come to your door -- just drop a tract in their bag with some candy and you're done! God will do the rest!!

You can reach not only the trick-or-treaters but also their parents. If you're not sure how to do it, check out these ideas:

9 Easy Ways to Share the Gospel Halloween Night -- AND LOVE DOING IT!

Those who have been involved in Satanism tell us that Halloween is a key tool in presenting evil as fun, to break down people's resistance to it. The fun and games teach children that witches are cute. When they are invited as youth to visit a coven or try a ouija board, they won't react in revulsion, but in curiosity. That's where it begins.

Former Satanist, Bill Schnoebelen writes, "Far too many former witches who are now Believers share testimonies of having their innocent little souls cracked open as kids by Halloween activities and the floodgates of hell pouring in! Hear our warning and offer your children some godly alternative to Halloween." What better alternative could there be than giving gospel tracts to other kids at the door?

Many of the kids who come to your door will never go to church, read a Bible or ever be witnessed to. Your willingness to hand them a tract might be the only opportunity they have to accept Christ and spend eternity in heaven.

May God bless you and your neighborhoods this Halloween! 

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