Tuesday 18 March 2014

Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial of your Faith

1 Peter 1:7
That the trial of your faith,.... This is the principal end which God has in afflictive providences, to try the faith of His people; so the faith of Abraham, Job, Habakkuk, and others, have been tried: 

being much more precious than of gold that perishes: the grace of faith is much more precious than gold; since that perishes by using, but faith does not; and since it is so valuable as not to be obtained by it; and since those that have it, though poor in this world, are rich, and heirs of a kingdom: but the trying of it is abundantly more precious than gold; for not only as gold being tried in the fire is purged from its dross, and is proved to be genuine and shines the brighter, so faith, being tried in the fire of afflictions, is purged from unbelief; and the believer is purged from his dross and tin, and his iniquity is purged, and the fruit of all is to take away sin; and he is tried and proved to be a true believer, and his faith shines the more illustriously, as in the above instances; yea, the very trying of it has an influence on other graces, for great usefulness; for the trying of faith works patience, and that, experience, and that, hope: 

though it be tried with fire: either though gold be tried with fire, and so is greatly refined, yet it is more precious than that; or though faith be tried with the fire of afflictions, yet it is precious, and more precious than gold: and it is tried for this purpose, 

that it might be found unto praise and honour and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ; who is now in the highest heavens, and out of sight, but will appear a second time without sin unto salvation, and every eye shall see him; and when the believer will be found in him, and his faith be found unto praise by him, he will have praise of him himself; it will be said unto him, "Well done, good and faithful servant"; his faith will be praised for its steadiness and constancy, notwithstanding all persecutions and tribulations; and his good works, the fruits of faith, will be taken notice of by him with commendation; he will be honoured, by being placed on the right hand of Christ, and by being set down with him in his throne, and having a crown of righteousness given to him; and he will be glorified both in soul and body; his body will be made like to Christ's glorious body, and his soul will have a glory revealed in it; and in his whole person he shall appear, when Christ does, with him in glory.

1 Peter 4:12

Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial,.... By which may be meant either the destruction of Jerusalem, which was at hand, and of which the apostle may be thought to give the Jews he writes to notice of before hand; that they might be prepared for it, and not be overwhelmed with consternation and amazement when they should hear of it; who, though in other countries, must be affected with it, and would be a trying dispensation to them: or else the afflictions and persecutions which daily come upon them, for the sake of Christ and his Gospel; signified by "fire" or "burning", because grievous to the flesh, and gave great uneasiness, distress, and pain to it; and because of the fury of men, and the violence and fierceness of their rage, expressed thereby; as also because the people of God under them are sometimes ready to conceive that the wrath of God is poured out, like fire, upon them. But the apostle would not have these saints entertain any such thoughts, and therefore he calls them "beloved"; that is, of God, as they were notwithstanding all the fiery trials and afflictions which were brought upon them; or he means, that they were beloved by him, and dear unto him, and other saints, though they were ill treated and reproached by the world: the Syriac and Arabic versions read, "my beloved"; and the Ethiopic version, "our brethren": and the apostle exhorts them not to look upon their afflictions that either did or should attend them as strange and uncommon things; since afflictions, of whatsoever kind, are not things of chance, and do not rise up out of the dust, but are by the appointment, and according to the will of God; and are also the common lot of the people of God in all ages, from the beginning of the world, the same afflictions are accomplished in others; yea, Christ himself endured the same hatred, reproach, and contradiction of sinners, against himself; and they are what he has given his people reason to expect, having told them of them before hand, that they might not be offended at them; and as they lay in his way to glory, it need not seem strange that the saints also should, through many tribulations, enter the kingdom. Moreover, this fiery dispensation, be it what it will, was not to destroy them, but to try them, and that for their good, profit, and advantage; just as gold and silver are tried in the fire, and lose their dross, and become purer and brighter: 

which is to try you; afflictions try the graces of the saints; as their faith in Christ, which becomes thereby much more precious than of gold that perishes; and their love to him, by which it appears that no tribulation can separate them from it, nor many waters and floods of afflictions drown it; and their hope of eternal life, which grows more lively and strong, and is as an anchor, sure and steadfast, amidst the greatest storms. These try a man's profession of religion, whether it is took up on good principles, and without sinister views; since, if it is not, when persecution, because of the word, comes, he is offended and gone; and likewise what a man's principles are, whether worth suffering for or not; and whether they will bear him up, and he abide by them, when called to suffer for them; and therefore, since such ends are answered by fiery trials, they should not be looked upon as strange and unusual things: as though some strange thing happened unto you; which was never known and heard of before; and as if useless, and of no service, and as foreign to the characters, cases, and circumstances of the saints in this world. The apostle in this verse returns to his former argument, to animate and encourage the saints in suffering afflictions patiently for righteousness sake.


The rivers shall not overflow thee!

The rivers shall not overflow thee.”
But that was no difficulty with God, who can as well dry up an overflowing river as a shallow one,
At the division of the Red sea the waters stood as a wall, on both sides, but on this occasion the floods arose on one side only, and on the left hand the water quite disappeared, flowing at once into the Dead sea. The Lord has many ways of effecting the same end. Variety in the divine operations is a clear proof that the Lord is never at a loss for ways and means
Under the eyes of their enemies the miracle was wrought, and in the face of the arch-enemy God will grant his people safe passage through death’s cold flood.
The ark of the covenant first led the way, and then kept the road open. The priesthood of Jesus and the ark of his redemption make for all believers a passage into the better land.
Jos_4:4-11; Jos_4:18
Care must be taken by the best possible means to keep the Lord’s wonders of grace in remembrance in coming generations. This is a principal use of the two sacred ordinances of our holy faith, and it should be a main object of care with all good men.
Christ will never cease his mediatorial work, till all his redeemed are safely landed. Ministers ought to be brave men, the first to risk all for God’s sake, and the last to leave their post. Note how the Israelites were both trembling and believing; they “hasted,”—here was fear, and “passed over”—here was faith.
This proved that the whole transaction was a miracle, not to be accounted for by referring it to natural causes. Let the Lord be praised for it.

When I tread the verge of Jordan,
Bid my anxious fears subside;
Death of deaths, and hell’s destruction,
Land me safe on Canaan’s side:
Songs of praises
I will ever give to Thee.

When you pass through the waters I will be with thee.”

When you pass through the waters I will be with thee.”
He did not serve God and his people in a dilatory manner. He who would accomplish great things, will never do them by lying in bed.
They had a promise that they should pass over, but they knew not how: nevertheless they went forward in faith. If we only know our duty up to a certain point, let us advance, even if we cannot see another inch beyond us. Let us do as we are bidden, and leave events with God.
In former times the ark was in the centre of the host, but now it leads the van, as though the Lord defied his enemies, and went on before, alone and unattended to give them battle.
The distance set was intended to enable the people to see the ark, and also as it were to show that the Lord met his foes alone, keeping the armed ranks behind, and advancing unarmed against his foes. This day let us reflect that we shall tread a new road, but let us rejoice that our gracious covenant God goes before.
God always does wonders among a sanctified people. Our sins may put a restraint upon him, but we are not straitened in him.
God would have his ministers honoured, and therefore works by them.
Thus the ark’s passage of the Jordan was both a token of the Lord’s presence, and a pledge of the conquest of Canaan. Every display of grace to us is a fresh assurance of our ultimate victory over all sin, and our entrance into the promised rest.
This the Lord who was the Alpha of his people’s deliverance at the Red Sea, became the Omega of it, by a repetition of the miracle at Jordan. Fear not, for the Lord will also for us do as great things at the close of our days, as he did when he brought us out of the Egyptian bondage of our sins.

One army of the living God,
To His command we bow;
Part of His host have cross’d the flood,
And part are crossing now.

Ten thousand to their endless home
This solemn moment fly;
And we are to the margin come,
And soon expect to die.

The Resurrection Related to Justification and Sanctification

The Resurrection Related to Justification and Sanctification

I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live. And whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die.  (John_11:25-26)

It would be appropriate to again follow a pattern we have used previously, applying our present subject (the resurrection) both to our starting out with God (justification) and our going on with God (sanctification). The great value in doing such is to be repeatedly reminded that the grace of God that starts us out in this new life in Christ is the same grace that develops this life in Christ. 
When Jesus proclaimed the words of our present verses, He was standing at the tomb of Lazarus. Martha, one of the sisters, was interacting with Him. She had hoped that Jesus would have arrived earlier, knowing He could have prevented this death. "Lord, if You had been here, my brother would not have died" (John_11:21). Even now, with her brother in the tomb, she realizes He could possibly yet intervene. "But even now I know that whatever You ask of God, God will give You" (John_11:22). Jesus comforts her by assuring that Lazarus will be resurrected. "Your brother will rise again" (John_11:23). Martha assumes that Jesus is referring to the final resurrection of the saints. "I know that he will rise again in the resurrection at the last day" (John_11:24). 

At this point, Jesus offers one of those glorious "I am" revelations. "I am the resurrection and the life." Then, He added two wonderful applications. First, faith in Him can even bring the dead to life, like Lazarus. "He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live." Second, faith in him can ensure eternal life to those who are yet alive. "And whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die.
Think again of the implications connected with Jesus' basic statement. "I am the resurrection and the life." Martha desired an immediate resurrection for her brother. She wanted him to live once again. Jesus revealed that He Himself was what Martha desired for her brother. He was "the resurrection and the life." Jesus provides resurrection and life, because in His very person He is resurrection life. He is the resurrection that we all need from our deadness, whether physical or spiritual. "I am the resurrection."  He is the life that we need, if we are to live as God intended. "I am . . . the life." Knowing Christ by faith makes us partakers of what He Himself is: "the resurrection and the life." This is vital to see, because the Christian life is a resurrection life. Such a life can only be found in a resurrected Lord, and it can only be developed following a resurrected Lord.

Jesus, I bow down before You as my resurrected Lord. Apart from You, I would only know spiritual dead-ness as a fallen son of Adam. In You I have a spiritual resurrection to new life. Now, I want to pursue You daily to see that new, resurrected life more fully developed in me. Lord Jesus, lead me, I pray, into more life, Amen.

Monday 17 March 2014


 A PROMISING RULER. (2Ch_25Verses 4, 5.)

1. A worshipper of Jehovah. "He did that which was right in the eyes of Jehovah, according to all that his father Amaziah had done," i.e. until he declined into idolatry (2Ch_25:14). "He was a good man, and by nature righteous and magnanimous, and very laborious in taking care of the affairs of his kingdom" (Josephus, ’Ant.,’ 9.10. 3); but his devotion to religion, while sincere, was, like his father’s, imperfect (2Ch_25:2). "The high places were not removed: the people sacrificed and burnt incense still on the high places" (2Ki_15:4). See the confirmation of this in the minor prophets (Hos_8:14; Hos_12:2; Amo_2:4).
2. A seeker after God. "And he sought God."
(1) How? By observing his worship, keeping his commandments, honouring his prophets, and studying his Law—the only true way of seeking God still.
(2) When? In the days of Zechariah, "who had understanding," or "gave instruction", "in the vision of God." Nobler distinction than the former, better employment than the latter, can no man have.
(3) How long? Until Zechariah died, after which his fervour declined, the remembrance of his teacher faded, his devotion to Jehovah and the true religion diminished. So Joash behaved wisely and religiously while Jehoiada lived (2Ch_24:17). Human goodness too often short-lived (Hos_6:4).
(4) With what result? Prosperity, which kept pace with his piety. "As long as he sought Jehovah, Elohim made him to prosper" (verse 5)—a remarkable combination of words, which perhaps teaches that, whilst prosperity or success is from God, the Supreme Being as such, it is never conferred upon good men except on the ground that they are worshippers of him as the covenant God of grace and salvation.
3. A pupil of Zechariah. "Zechariah had understanding," and perhaps gave him instruction "in the vision [or, ’seeing’] of God." That this Zechariah was neither the priest whom Joash slew (2Ch_24:20), nor the prophet who lived in the second year of Darius (Zec_1:1), is apparent. That he possessed that special gift or capacity of beholding God in vision which pertained to the prophetic calling cannot be inferred from the Chronicler’s statement, "since this beholding of God, of which the prophets were conscious only in moments of highest inspiration, cannot be thought of as a work of human activity and exercise" (Berthcau). Most probably he was one who, like Daniel (Dan_1:17), "had understanding in all visions and dreams," and who acted as Uzziah’s counsellor and teacher.
III. A BRILLIANT WARRIOR. (Verses 2, 6, 7, 8.)
1. The fortification of Eloth. (Verse 2.) His father’s conquest of Edom (2Ch_25:11, 2Ch_25:12) had either not been pushed as far as this important harbour-town upon the Red Sea (see on 2Ch_8:17), or the town, though taken, had been given up and not annexed to Judah in consequence of Joash’s defeat of Amaziah (2Ch_25:23). On attaining to the throne, Uzziah rectified his father’s oversight by capturing the town, erecting it into a fortress, and restoring it to Judah. Without it Edom was of little consequence to Judah. This exploit, which happened in the early part of Uzziah’s reign, was probably that from which he derived his name Azariah (2Ki_14:21, 2Ki_14:22); while its introduction at this stage in the narrative, before the chronological statement which follows it (verse 3), may have been due to a desire on the part of the Chronicler to introduce Uzziah to his readers as the well-known monarch who had conquered, recovered, and fortified Eloth (Berthcau).
2. The war against the Philistines and Arabians. (Verses 6, 7.) These had together invaded Judah upwards of eighty years previously (2Ch_21:16), and Uzziah may have purposed to inflict upon them chastisement for that aggression (Keil); but the assumption is as rational that Uzziah either dreaded or experienced a combination against himself similar to that which had assailed Jehoram, and that, either (in the former case) taking time by the forelock, he fell upon his enemies ere they could strike at him, or (in the latter case), meeting the emergency with courage, he repelled the attacks they made upon him. His success in dealing with the Philistines was complete. He broke down the walls of Gath (see on 2Ch_11:8), which, formerly taken from the Philistines by David (1Ch_18:1), had latterly been recovered, most likely in the reign of Jehoram; the wall of Jabneh, here mentioned for the first time, but probably the town in Judah named Jabneel in the days of the conquest (Jos_15:11), Jamnia in the period of the. Maccabees, at the present day Jabneh, eighteen miles north-west of Gath, "situated on a slight eminence on the west bank of the valley of Sorek (Wddy es Surar), about four miles from the sea coast" (Warren, in ’Picturesque Palestine,’ 3:161); and the wall of Ashdod, one of the principal cities of the Philistines (1Sa_5:1), and now a village called Esdud, after which he erected cities in the domain of Ashdod and in other parts of Philistia. In like manner, he was entirely victorious over the Arabians in (Gur-baal—not the city Petra (LXX.), but perhaps the town of Gerar (Targum)—and the Meunims, who dwelt in Mann (1Ch_4:41).
3. The submission of the Ammonites. These, whose settlements lay east of the Dead Sea, and who, in Jehoshaphat’s time, had come up against Judah (2Ch_20:1), were now so reduced that they rendered tribute to Judah, as the Moabites did under David (2Sa_8:2), and the Philistines and Arabians under Jehoshaphat (2Ch_17:11).
4. The extension of his fame to Egypt. Not merely the report of his splendid victories travelled so far as the land of the Pharaohs, but the boundaries of his empire reached to its vicinity. An inscription of Tiglath-Pileser II. shows that the northern people of Hamath attempted to free themselves from the Assyrian yoke by going over to Azariah.
IV. A GREAT BUILDER. (Verses 9, 10.) In addition to the fortress at Eloth and the cities in Philistia, he erected towers.
1. In Jerusalem.
(1) At the corner-gate, i.e. at the north-west corner of the city (2Ch_25:23).
(2) At the valley-gate, i.e. on the west side, where the Jaffa gate now is.
(3) At the turning of the wall, i.e. at a curve in the city wall on the east side of Zion, near the horse-gate. This tower commanded both the temple hill and Zion against attacks from the south-east.
2. In the desert, or wilderness. The place was "the steppe-lands on the west side of the Dead Sea" (Keil); the object, the protection of his flocks and shepherds against attacks from robber-bands, whether of Edomites or Arabians.
1. An extensive cattle-breeder. He had much cattle in the re,on just mentioned, in the lowland between the mountains of Judaea and the Mediterranean, and in the fiat district on the east of the Dead Sea, from Arnon to near Heshbon in the north. For the use of these animals he hewed cisterns in each of these localities.
2. An ardent agriculturist. He kept farmers and vine-dressers upon the mountains and in the fruitful fields. "He took care to cultivate the ground. He planted it with all sorts of plants, and sowed it with all sorts of seeds" (Josephus).
VI. AN ABLE GENERAL. (Verses 11-15.)
1. He organized the army.
(1) The number of fighting men was reckoned up by Hananiah, one of the king’s captains, assisted by Jeiel the scribe and Maaseiah the steward, two officials practised in writing and the making up of lists. The total force, according to their estimation, was 307,500 (370,000, Josephus)able-bodied and thoroughly disciplined troops, with 2600 heads of fathers’ houses, mighty men of valour, who acted as superior officers or divisional commanders.
(2) The entire host was arranged into bands, detachments, or army corps, each father’s house, perhaps, composing a regiment, and a group of these a battalion.
(3) Whether these army corps served in rotation (Jamieson) is not stated.
2. He armed the soldiers. For all the host he prepared the necessary weapons for offensive and defensive warfare—for the first, spears, bows, and slings; for the second, shields, helmets, and coats of mail; or perhaps, for the heavy-armed troops, shields, spears, and helmets; and for the light infantry, bows and sling-stones. The mention of "sling-stones," it has been thought (Bertheau), was intended to indicate the completeness of his preparations, as in the late France-German war Marshal Leboeuf declared the French army to be ready for the projected campaign down to the "shoe-buckle." Besides furnishing each soldier with a set of weapons, Uzziah collected a store of such "that he might have them in readiness to put into the hands of his subjects on any exigency" (A. Clarke)
3. He fortified the capital This, which Joash of Israel (2Ch_25:23) had weakened, he strengthened by placing on the towers and battlements of its walls ingenious machines—"engines invented by cunning men"—to shoot arrows and great stones withal, like the catapultae and ballistae of the Romans.
1. The beneficial influence of parental piety—it tends to reproduce itself in the children.
2. The true Source of all prosperity, whether temporal or spiritual—God.
3. The necessary condition of all permanent prosperity for individuals or communities—religion, seeking God.
4. The unspeakable advantage to kings and subjects of having as their counsellors men who have understanding in the visions of God.
5. The obvious wisdom of sovereigns and their people devoting attention to the cultivation of the soft.
6. The lawfulness, in nations as in individuals, of taking due pre- cautions for safety.—W.
Uzziah the leprous.
Pride. "His heart was lifted up." This the inevitable tendency of too much material and temporal prosperity (Deu_8:13, Deu_8:14). Exemplified in Amaziah (2Ch_25:18, 2Ch_25:19; 2Ki_14:9), Sennacherib (2Ch_32:31; 2Ki_18:19-35), Nebuchadnezzar (Dan_4:30-34; Dan_5:20).
(2) Ignorance. He perceived not that his heart was being lifted up "to his destruction." Had he foreseen the consequences of his rash act, he might have paused. But questions of right and wrong must be determined without regard to temporal results. Only none need remain in ignorance of this, that the path of holiness is the path of safety (Pro_3:17), whatever be its external issues; and that the way of disobedience, however promising to appearance, is and must be the way of peril and doom (Pro_4:19).
2. The nature of it. "He went into the temple of the Lord to burn incense upon the altar of incense," i.e. he took upon himself the priestly function of ministering before Jehovah in the holy place. Whether in doing so he conceived himself to be following in the steps of David and Solomon (Thenius, Ewald, Stanley) may be doubted. It is not clear that either of these sovereigns ever offered incense in the sanctuary proper, though they frequently officiated at the offering of sacrifices in the outer court on the occasion of religious festivals (Bertheau, Keil, Bahr). More likely is the view that Uzziah desired to ape the potentates of the world generally, as e.g. those of Egypt, who, as supreme priests (pontifices maximi), with other priests to aid them, conducted temple-worship in honour of the gods. In any case, what he did expressly violated the Divine Law, which reserved the privilege of entering the holy place and ministering therein exclusively for the priests (Exo_30:7, Exo_30:8; Le Exo_16:2, Exo_16:12, Exo_16:13; Num_18:1-10). The statement of Josephus (’Ant.,’ 9.10. 4) may well be authentic, that the occasion which tempted Uzziah to forget himself was the celebration of some high national festival.
3. The aggravations of it. He committed this offence:
(1) When he was strong; when his empire was at the height of its splendour, and himself at the top of his fame; when his kingly magnificence was in full bloom, and his regal heart had everything it could desire—in short, when he ought to have been supremely contented and happy, without aspiring after more.
(2) Against that God through whose assistance he had climbed to the pedestal of earthly renown on which he stood, thereby furnishing a proof of monstrous ingratitude quite on a level with that of his father Amaziah (2Ch_25:14).
(3) In spite of the remonstrance of Azariah the priest and eighty colleagues, who, going into the sanctuary after him, courageously reminded him of the heinous character of his proposed action, as an invasion of the province Jehovah had set apart for the Aaronic priesthood, fearlessly commanded him to leave the sacred edifice, and warned him of the peril he incurred in thus defying the ordinance of God. Men who have God upon their side have no need to be afraid of kings. Nothing emboldens the human spirit like a consciousness of right (Psa_27:1).
(4) With ebullitions of kingly rage. According to Josephus, he threatened to kill Azariah and his colleagues unless they held their peace (Pro_19:12; Pro_16:14). Wrath often leads to murder.
1. Sudden. The Lord smote him (2Ki_15:5)where he stood, within the holy place, censer in hand, attired in a priestly robe, fuming at Azariah and his eighty assistants, ready, in defiance of one and all, to go through with the unhallowed project he had in hand. Foolish Uzziah! Jehovah, who all the while was looking on (2Ch_7:16; Hab_2:20), simply stretched forth his invisible finger, and the daringly sacrilegious act was arrested. According to Josephus (’Ant.,’ 9.10. 4), at that moment a great earthquake shook the ground, splitting the mountain on which the city stood, and making in the temple dome a rent, through which the sun’s rays, shining, fell upon the king’s face, insomuch that the leprosy seized on him immediately (cf. Amo_1:1; Mic_1:4; Zec_14:5).
2. Severe. The leprosy brake forth (or rose as the sun) in his forehead. The same punishment inflicted on Miriam for speaking against Moses (Num_12:10), and on Gehazi for lying to Elisha (2Ki_5:27). The severity of the stroke measured the greatness of the sin for which it fell.
3. Conspicuous. "The chief priest, and all the priests, looked upon him, and, behold, he was leprous." The signs and tokens of this plague had been laid down in the Law of Moses (Lev_13:1-59.). Like the mark upon Cain’s brow (Gen_4:15), the spot upon Uzziah’s forehead proclaimed him an object of Divine wrath. Many suffer on account of their transgressions whose chastisement is not visible to their fellow-men; that Uzziah’s was perceptible to Azariah and his colleagues was a woof of the heinous character of his offence, while it served as a warning to others. One of Jehovah’s purposes in inflicting punishment on evil-doers is to convince beholders of the horrible iniquity of sin, and deter them through "the terror of the Lord" (2Co_5:11.) from its commission.
4. Humiliating. The priests thrust the stricken king from the sacred dwelling; yea, the king himself "hasted to go out." Moreover, he was henceforth as an unclean person, out off from the congregation of Jehovah (Le 13:45, 46; Num_5:2), and, because of the infectious nature of his malady, lodged in "several house," i.e. a lazar-house, or infirmary. As the leprosy, in its spreading, wasting, corrupting, loathsome, contagious, incurable character, was a hideous emblem of sin, so the exclusion of the leper from the congregation, and his isolation from the society of his fellows, was an impressive picture of the fate reserved for unpardoned sinners (Psa_1:5, Psa_1:6). It must not, however, be assumed that Uzziah died in impenitence.
5. Fatal. It ended in death, as all sin does (Eze_18:4; Rom_6:23). Yet sin is not incurable by Divine power any more than leprosy was. As Miriam, Naaman, and the man who came to Christ (Mat_8:2) were cleansed, so may the sinful soul be renewed (1Jn_1:7).
6. Posthumous. Uzziah’s punishment followed him after death. His people buried him, indeed, but not in the royal mausoleum, only in its neighbourhood, in the field of burial which belonged to the kings, lest his leprous dust should defile that of his fathers.
1. The danger of prosperity.
2. The sin of pride.
3. The unlawfulness of will-worship.
4. The certainty that God can punish sin.
5. The hopelessness of those who die in sin.—W.

Saturday 15 March 2014


"And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance."--- Act_2:4.

ON THE day of Pentecost all who were gathered together in the upper room were filled with the Holy Spirit--women as well as men, obscure disciples, as well as illustrious apostles. Deacons called to do the secular business of the Church must be men filled with the Holy Ghost. That he was a good man, full of the Holy Ghost, was a greater recommendation of Barnabas than that he had parted with his lands.
The majority of Christians have seemed to suppose that the filling of the Holy Spirit was the prerogative of a few--they have never thought of it as within their reach; and the Church has been paralyzed for lack of the only power that can avail in the conflict against the world, the power which was distinctly pledged by her ascending Lord. Pentecost was meant to be the specimen and type of all the days of the years of this present age, and we have fallen far below this blessed level, not because of any failure on God's part, but because the Church has neglected its privilege.
We must desire to be filled for the glory of God. We must seek the Spirit's power, not for our own happiness and comfort, nor even for the good that we may be the better able to effect, but that "Christ may be magnified in our bodies, whether by life or death."
We must bring cleansed vessels. God will not deposit His precious gift in unclean receptacles. We must be washed in the blood of Christ from all conscious filthiness and stain, ere we can presume to expect that God will give us what we seek.
We must appropriate Him by faith. There is no need for us to wait, because the Holy Spirit has been given to the Church. We need not struggle and agonize in the vehemence of entreaty, but have simply to take what God is waiting to impart. He gives the Holy Spirit to them that obey Him (Act_5:32).
We must be prepared to let the Holy Spirit do as He will with and through us. There must be no reserve, no holding back, no contrariety of purpose. Let us believe and reckon that we are being filled with new power and joy which shall be for the glory of God and the service of man.

We pray, O God, that the Holy Spirit may so infill us, that sin and self may have no dominion over us, but that the fruits of the Spirit may abound to Thy honour and glory. AMEN.

Be ye wise as serpents, and harmless as doves

Be ye wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.”
We will continue to read from the wise sayings of Solomon, and complete the chapter which we commenced.
He may expect to be bitten and he is not likely to get any good. He has done a very needless and absurd thing, and he will get nobody’s thanks for his pains. It is honourable to suffer as a Christian, but disgraceful to smart for being a busy-body. Blessed are the peace makers, but very far front blessed are the meddlers.
To sin in jest is often to do mischief in earnest, and it will be punished in earnest at the last great day.
Do not talk about it and it will die out. No hurt ever comes from holding our tongues; silly tattling causes much sorrow. If we will not reply, those who slander us will tire of their dirty work, or will be powerless for mischief Evil speaking seldom injures those who take no notice of it. Do not find fagots for your own burning. Let the talebearers alone, and their fire will go out for want of fuel.
Wherever he is, quarrelling begins, or being already commenced, it is fanned to a fiercer flame. He is a stoker for Satan’s fires. Let us never grow like him.
They are deadly stabs, which have sent many to their graves with broken hearts.
There is a film of fair speech like a coating of silver, but underneath is deceit. They appear to glow with love, but in very truth malice is smouldering in their souls. Lord, save us from lying lips and malicious hearts.
He is brooding mischief, and storing up revenge, yet he speaks fairly. He hangs out the sign of the angel, but the devil keeps his house.
All kinds of evils lurk in a dissembler’s soul. The man’s heart is a hell, full of evil spirits, the forge of Satan, the workshop of all mischief. Whenever any one flatters us, let us fly from him at once, and avoid him for the future. He would not spin so fine a web if he did not wish to catch a fly.
If not in this world, yet certainly in the next, all secrets will be revealed to the shame of those who acted the part of the hypocrite. Even in this life masks are very apt to drop off. Clever counterfeits fail in some point or other, and are found out: dissembling is a difficult game, and the players are sure to be the losers, sooner or later.
Often do we observe the law of providential retaliation at work. If any of us try to injure another, we only hurt ourselves: God will make all our ill thoughts to return to us, like birds which come home to roost. O for a loving spirit which seeks the good of all.
It is the nature of ill will to hate those whom it injures. Hurt another and you will dislike him, benefit him and you will love him. Above all things abhor flattery, for he who uses this detestable art is surely plotting your overthrow. Young people should learn this lesson early, or their ignorance may cost them dear.

Oh, tame my tongue to peace,
And tune my heart to love;
From all reproaches may I cease,
Made harmless as a dove.

Faithful, but meekly kind;
Gentle, yet boldly true;
I would possess the perfect mind
Which in my Lord I view.